Dear all, In November 2012 we have released the *BGP Visibility Scanner*, a tool that checks the visibility of IPv4 prefixes at the interdomain level. We are now happy to further make available the *visibility query for IPv6 prefixes*. Back in February 2013 we have presented the BGP Visibility Scanner at NANOG57. Please find the abstract and slides at the following link: http://www.nanog.org/meetings/abstract?id=2072 The tool is publicly available at *http://visibility.it.uc3m.es/* You can use it to retrieve prefixes injected by a certain origin AS that are not distributed everywhere (i.e., the Limited Visibility Prefixes). The tool has already been proven to be of real help to network operators. In particular, it helped identify and eliminate a large number of unintended IPv4 LVPs (e.g., prefixes leaked because of misconfigurations). We believe the tool is of interest for the ASes already deploying IPv6, enabling the operators to check the visibility status of their IPv6 prefixes and validate their routing policies. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the limited visibility prefixes that you discover with the tool! For more information about the BGP Visibility Scanner project, we further refer you to the RIPE Labs article: https://labs.ripe.net/Members/andra_lutu/the-bgp-visibility-scanner For any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us! Thank you, best regards, Andra