At 05:46 PM 1/30/2003 -0800, Dave Crocker wrote:
Blocking outbound SMTP (port 25) is supported by the Ops community as a spam-suppression mechanism. Ops support for this blockage appears to be deeply and broadly held.
A large chunk of the spam I am seeing these days are due to exploitable formmail.pl scripts (i.e. insecure customer web apps) and open proxies (1080,8080 3128 etc). These forms of delivery are also preferred by spammers as their original IP addresses are hidden. Blocking port 25 will do nothing to stop this. I would be surprised if your premise holds true, that the majority of the Ops community support this. Blocking port 25 results in lost customers as well as additional support headaches. I know when the local big ISP (Sympatico) starting blocking port 25, we gained quite a few business customers. So our sales staff certainly supported their Ops implementing it. ---Mike -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 Sentex Communications, mike@sentex.net Providing Internet since 1994 www.sentex.net Cambridge, Ontario Canada www.sentex.net/mike