23 Apr
23 Apr
10:29 p.m.
* haesu@towardex.com (James) [Sat 23 Apr 2005, 23:10 CEST]:
With proliferation of high speed circuits and continuing trend of lower cost of bandwidth, PPLB is becoming more obsolete for many people that implemented it in the past. What is becoming more common is non-PPLB based setup, such as flow or destination based load balancing, et al to group high capacity circuits (i.e. when gig-e's aren't enough and 10GbE is too much of a capex for an immediate upgrade).
Exactly. Apparently it's little bother for router vendors to reuse the algorithms they wrote to properly support 802.3ad (link aggregation; the spec demands that `conversations' be kept on the same wire) for load balancing over multiple IP paths. Regards, -- Niels.