On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 4:10 PM, <bzs@theworld.com> wrote:
On April 20, 2018 at 12:03 oscar.vives@gmail.com (Tei) wrote:
Maybe a good balance for whois is to include organization information so I know where a website is hosted, but not personal information, so I can't show in their house and steal their dog.
I feel uneasy about having my phone available to literally everyone on the internet.
There are various privacy options available when one registers a domain, generally a matter of checking a box and usually free.
Those privacy options work until one wants to transfer a domain to a different registrar. Almost always that will imply in a brief removal of privacy, during which an adversary (either a nation-state or some Sideshow Bob-type wacko) will learn the true identity of the domain holder. Rubens