Considering Verizon's highly-connected position at the core of the IPv4 Internet, I would think that all it takes to cause a snowball effect, is for Verizon to start offering IPv6 transit and peering on the same terms as IPv4. If there is any company whose IPv6 plans we should be interested in, it is Verizon.
I believe that your sales peoples should know how to make this happen for you, if not please ping the Customer Service folk who would also be able to make some progress on this issue for you.
Issue? It was more of an observation than an issue. Based on the CAIDA Internet connectdness maps which show AS701 as the most connected AS in the core of the Internet, combined with other Verizon networks, it seems to me that Verizon's progress is the most interesting to watch. When Verizon has full availability of IPv6 access (all ASes, all PoPs) then I see that as a tipping point. --Michael Dillon