On Mon 2015-Jun-01 13:20:57 -0400, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Hugo Slabbert <hugo@slabnet.com> wrote:
2. Just do it properly the first time around.
I would opt for #2.
sure, so would everyone... but they didn't so... what gets you enough there to help customers and also doesn't required a forklift of your running operation?
Sorry; I worded this poorly. Obviously they didn't go dual stack right at the outset. Options #1 and #2 I listed were done from the perspective that it's currently a v4-only environment, and some measure of work has to be done to get it to have v6 capability of *some* form. I'm working with the (soon to be not) unspoken assumption of a future state of the platform where we've "v6'd all the things", checking off all of the boxes in your original message on this; paraphrased: - Every VM has a v6 address - VMs can talk to backend services (including on your prem) over v6 - VM/system admin interfaces are reachable over v6 - You can serve up v6-accessible services from your VM(s) If my (previously unspoken) assumption of a fully v6-capable future state of the platform holds, I'm saying that going with a proxy-type solution as an interim stopgap solution carries a whole bunch of additional labor/operational cost. Implementing either option #1 or option #2 carries some combination of cost from hardware, software, and elbow grease, with values of 0 to $bigint in each category. To be fair: some of the additional elbow grease cost from option #1 is externalized from the hoster to either customers and/or the developers of the software stacks used by customers. That notwithstanding: if you're going to need to do #2 at some point anyway, why not just skip #1 and put your energy into #2 to start with? To be honest: I don't think we are diametrically opposed on this. Backing up a bit:
Would AWS (or any other cloud provider that's not currently up on the v6 bandwagon) enabling a loadbalanced ipv6 vip for your public service (perhaps not just http/s services even?) be enough to relieve some of the pressure on other parties and move the ball forward meaningfully enough for the cloud providers and their customers?
Relieve some pressure and possibly generate at least *some* forward momentum? Sure. And AWS is obviously free to do as they see fit. I think a lot of folks in this discussion are just tired of seeing half measures that expend a bunch of resources to delay the inevitable and push us further into CGN hell when those resources could rather have been allocated to a proper dual-stack or v6-only solution. -- Hugo