Alex, * alex@yuriev.com (alex@yuriev.com) [Sat 02 Aug 2003, 22:43 CEST]:
What happens to the previous address? Does it get returned to the cusotmer after his/hers DNS stops working? He does not know that the "Static" address that the provider is advertising is as static as the piece of hardware that connects him/her to the provider. Remember, the vast majority of people, including those who happen work in some levels of this industry, dont know what a MAC address is etc.
I have already stated in another mail that the situation you describe above is indeed undesirable, and in such an environment the use of DHCP may not be recommendable if business continuity is deserved. I'd prefer not to continue to harp on this subject any further as I consider us (you, me, Chris Marrow, others) in agreement on it.
There is a higher cost to provide the static address service. Giving it for free makes no sense. There is a much smaller cost to provide dynamic address service, which tends to be built into the provice of the product.
-- Niels.