On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 23:02:26 +0930, Mark Smith said:
access like you used to. You guys sue over hot coffee (of both kinds)!
Well.. yeah. When it causes 3rd degree burns, you start thinking about suing. http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm "McDonalds also argued that consumers know coffee is hot and that its customers want it that way. The company admitted its customers were unaware that they could suffer thirddegree burns from the coffee...." Read that and tell me if you *still* think it's a totally frivolous lawsuit. (Hot water is *dangerous* - in many cases even more so than an open flame. If you stick your hand/arm in a flame, you can *usually* pull it out before your shirt sleeve catches fire, and you only take damage the time your arm is actually in the flame. You get a hot water spill on you, that sleeve will hold the hot water against your skin, and the burn becomes a gift that keeps on giving...)