Chris Chase gave a good presentation on this subject in ~November. Here's the abstract, quoted from: http://gogonet.gogo6.com/profile/ChrisChase | | Posted by Chris Chase on October 28, 2011 at 5:59pm | Send Message View Blog | | IPv6 service at AT&T. | | AT&T has dual stack service available for its enterprise ISP | service (some speed/feeds/footprint issues are still being | filled out). Fall 2011 AT&T is conducting internal (employee) | trials for IPv6 for AT&T broadband. Expect to see IPv6 for | legacy DSL EOY 2011 and on U-Verse 2Q2012. I will share | our initial plans for deploying IPv6 for broadband using 6rd. (It doesn't appear that any of the presentation videos or decks have been posted to the conference site yet.)