I sent this out last week, but the list server seems to have intercepted and tossed the message. It seems that some of our customer IP blocks are in whatever Earthlink uses for spam blacklisting on their incoming mail gateways. Emails to OpenRelay@Corp.EarthLink.Net have not generated any response, and calls to 1-800-EARTHLINK result in lots of time spent on hold and not much else. If anyone in a capacity to do anything about this at Earthlink sees this, could you please contact me off-list? 550-EarthLink's inbound mail servers do not allow mail from your site. 550-Please contact your ISP to find out how to send e-mail using a 550-proper mail server. If you are an EarthLink customer, and need 550-assistance configuring your e-mail software, please contact 550-EarthLink's technical support department at 1-800-EARTHLINK. 550-Server administrators that feel they are being blocked in error 550 may send e-mail to OpenRelay@Corp.EarthLink.Net for assistance. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route System Administrator | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________