Hello everyone! I tried looking on net but couldn't found direct answer, so thought to ask here for some advise. Is using /24 a must to protect (a bit) against route hijacking? We all remember case of YouTube 2008 and hijacking in Pakistan. At that time YouTube was using /22 and thus /24 (more specific) announcement took almost all of Google's traffic even when AS path was long. So Google's direct also likely sent packets to Pakistan. Later Google too used /24 (and I guess /25 too to effect some region of internet). Similar case I remember for issue reported between Altus and hijacking by someone connected to Cleaveland exchange when ISP was using /23 and spammer used /24. So can we conclude that one should always use /24 to make sure that they loose as little as possible traffic during prefix hijacking? Also, if one uses /22 and /24 - will both prefixes will show in Global routing table? I know /24 will be prefered but will ISP see /22 as well or it will pop up only when /24 is filtered? For one of IP's of Google.com, it seems it is coming from /16 and /24 http://bgp.he.net/ip/ How can one print similar result from a route server like say Oregon route views or any ISP's server? I always /24 when looking for that IP. (in simple words - how bgp.he.net does this magic of popping both prefixes? I failed to do get same result from HE's route server) Thanks! -- Anurag Bhatia anuragbhatia.com Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia>| Google+ <https://plus.google.com/118280168625121532854>