On Jun 13, 2017, at 9:02 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
What do you suggest? Shoot them at Dawn? :-)
The standard warning and education has always been adequate in the past. We don't have a runaway spamming problem on the list.
What standard warning and education? We have filters to stop spam making it to the list. But there is definitely a spamming problem of sorts amongst vendors, to subscriber addresses. I see something every couple of months that I can track back to NANOG, or ARIN. What I *know* is that if you open the door, and ignore it with vendors on NANOG, the list members will end up having a problem. If you want to know why I consider myself an expert, feel free to ask me offline about what the attitude that those of us who ran "the backbone" in 1994 had - and how that worked out. On the other hand, as a senior citizen, at the end of my tech days, with enable grudgingly given up, I guess I could turn away and say "not my problem, really". YMMV.
-mel beckman
On Jun 13, 2017, at 6:00 AM, Rodney Joffe <rjoffe@centergate.com> wrote:
It seems that more than just a few of us were spammed by Glenn Stern (gstern@calient.net), an employee of Calient following NANOG 70.
The spammer had the balls to say, in his email:
We do not know each other. I'm leveraging the attendee list for NANOG to reach out and raise awareness of the value of OCS (Optical Circuit Switching) in the data center and in particular, the Carrier Neutral Hotel where we've been active with next generation MeetMeRoom discussions.
He does not show as an attendee at NANOG, but another executive, David Altstaetter, daltstaetter@calient.net did register, and may have even shown up. Hopefully those of you who have traditional community attitudes will show your reaction via your pocketbooks.
Maybe its time for the NANOG board and staff to step in, and develop some teeth to use in cases like these? Unless the majority of you members are cool with unfettered spamming of member and attendee lists. In which case, have at it!