Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> writes:
this is analogous to the gossip that most spam comes from china, asia, nigeria, or whomever we like to be xenophobic or racist about this week. measurement shows the united states to be the largest single source of spam.
The US is also the largest single source of email-that-I-want. Conversely, it's safe to assume that anything encoded in BIG5 format is something I'm totally uninterested in. There are indeed entire countries that I could block with a false positive rate of less than one every five years, which is a lot better than some other antispam technologies. Not that I'm doing this though. RBLs, SA, and greylisting with a carefully crafted list of organizations I've found that don't play well, works "well enough", and having everything wired up so it runs at or before the end of the DATA phase means I don't get left holding the bag for anything. -r