On Nov 27, 2012, at 12:38 AM, Tony Hain wrote:
Unfortunately most people that actually deploy and support applications can't make the math come out right when the access providers don't provide a path to 99% of the paying customers, then do just about everything they can to hobble bypass approaches.
AFAICT, most people who actually develop, deploy, and support applications don't do the math at all. It isn't an issue of perceived importance within their worldviews. In fact, it isn't an issue of which most of them are even peripherally aware.
The overall system includes the perspective of app developers, not just BGP knob twisters, so the point of having a widespread api base is critical to making progress.
Apple and Microsoft are application developers as well as OS vendors. How much of a priority do you think IPv6 capabilities are to their application development organizations? How much of a priority do you think IPv6 capabilities are to their customer bases? How much of a priority do you think IPv6 capabilities are for corporate IT departments, beyond a checklist item on RFPs in order to CYA? Where are the IPv6-only SQL Server deployments within enterprises, for example? In fact, where are the IPv6-enabled client access LANs within enterprises? Or even the *plans* for these types of deployments/capabilities? Maybe they're hiding in plain sight. But I don't think so. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roland Dobbins <rdobbins@arbor.net> // <http://www.arbornetworks.com> Luck is the residue of opportunity and design. -- John Milton