Uggggh. So many people have requested this privately, I can't take it! So, here goes. Note that some of the information in the spam is totally false. Some is just plain funny/silly, such as: "If GTE/BBN has a brown-out tomorrow, their customers are out of luck if their network fails. At Exodus, traffic for all of our customers would just get rerouted either though our own backbone, or through another major Internet carrier (like UUNet)." Regards, -asr
From Mike.Johnson@exodus.net Tue Sep 29 11:09:32 1998 Received: from venus.exodus.net (venus.exodus.net []) by exoserv.exodus.net (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id HAA12891; Tue, 29 Sep 1998 07:47:08 -0700 Received: by venus.exodus.net with Internet Mail Service (5.0.1457.3) id <Q3Y5LSL0>; Tue, 29 Sep 1998 08:00:15 -0700 Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 08:00:14 -0700 From: Mike Johnson <Mike.Johnson@exodus.net> Subject: A Message from Exodus To: "'XXXXX@XXXXXX'" <XXXX@XXXXXXXX>, "'XXXX@XXXXXXX'" <XXXXX@XXXXXXX> Message-id: <XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@venus.exodus.net> MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1457.3) Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable X-Priority: 3
I would to talk with your company to see if we could provide some of = our Internet data center services for use in your business. In a nutshell, our primary focus is to provide a world-class facility for managing the Internet portion of an organization's data center. For a lot of our clients (including several ISPs), our US facilities are their ONLY data center facilities. Companies like Hotmail, iVillage, Geocities, CondeNet, and USAToday run all of their server hardware in our buildings. On the ISP side of the equation, we have connections with nearly every public and private Internet exchange in the US and are expanding into both Europe and Asia. If GTE/BBN has a brown-out tomorrow, their customers are out of luck if their network fails. At Exodus, traffic for all of our customers would just get rerouted either though our own backbone, or through another major Internet carrier = (like UUNet). As a policy, we always add more physical bandwidth when we reach 50% of capacity.
I would really appreciate it if you could point me to someone there in management who might be interested in spending a lot less money on your equipment infrastructure and more on your core business. Here are some bullet points for you to consider...
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --=
--- * 7X24 monitored physical security =09 * 12" raised flooring * Battery back up =09 * Diesel power generators=09 * FM200 Fire Suppression System =09 * Diverse local loops * Scalable space from =BC shared rack to multiple 7'X 8' Virtual
Centers with dedicated racks and power. =20
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --=
--------------- * 1 Megabit Ethernet to 100 Megabit Fast Ethernet scalable Internet connections * Fixed and "usage based" bandwidth options * Direct "public" connectivity to NAP's and MAE's * Multiple PRIVATE peering agreements with other Tier 1 Service Providers * OC3 nationwide backbone
EXODUS' MANAGED SERVICE INCLUDE: -------------------------------------------------------------- * Customized Computer Associates Unicenter TNG reports * Distributed and Local Director / Disaster Recovery - Load
* URL monitoring and bandwidth utilization reports * CheckPoint or Raptor firewall protection
VALUE PROPOSITION ---------------------------------- Exodus capabilities can significantly benefit companies that have figured out how to use the Internet as an effective business tool but don't want to invest finite resources into managing their Web operations. The Exodus solution allows these Internet savvy companies to reduce Web administration costs, off-load IS resources, and reduce time-to-market while increasing the quality and reliability of Internet content distribution, communication and commerce.
=20 Exodus Clients "Non-Stop Internet Computing" Companies doing serious business on the web, park their web servers at the Exodus Internet Data Centers=20
Partial List
Computer Associates Major Strategic Alliance =09 http://www.ca-nethaven.com
Geocities Top 5 Site on the Web http://www.geocities.com
Tripod Leading Web Community http://www.tripod.com
Microsoft Software Juggernaut http://www.microsoft.com
CBS Sportsline Top 3 Sport Site http://www.sportsline.com
Hearst New Media Major Media Site http://www.homearts.com
Oracle #1 Database Company http://www.oracle.com
Litlenet #1 Electronic Commerce Company http://www.litle.net
Tibco Reuters Information Service Provider http://www.tibco.com
BMG $5.8 Billion Entertainment Conglomerate http://www.bmg.com
D.E. Shaw / JUNO #2 Free E-mail Site http://www.juno.com
Poppe Tyson #1 Internet Marketing Co. for Wall Street http://www.poppe.com
USA Today #1 National Newspaper http://www.usatoday.com=09
Progressive Networks Real Audio/Real Video http://www.real.com
HOTBOT Top Rated Search Engine http://www.hotbot.com
Conde Nast Major Media Publisher http://www.condenet.com
Hotmail #1 Free E-mail Site http://www.hotmail.com
Lycos Top Rated Search Site http://www.lycos.com
*Over $100 Million of Customer equipment are housed in Exodus facilities.
Please contact me if you think we might be able to work together. = Thank you for your consideration. -- Mike Johnson Major Account Consultant EXODUS COMMUNICATIONS 212.220.5458 mike.johnson@exodus.net
-- Mike Johnson Major Account Consultant EXODUS COMMUNICATIONS 212.220.5458 mike.johnson@exodus.net