On 06/25/99, "Forrest W. Christian" <forrestc@iMach.com> wrote:
Here's the real thinker.... Is there a way that a company could set up their support lines so that "normal customers" get "1st level support reps" and "advanced (clueful) customers" get "2nd or higher level support reps"? Every time I think of an option, I can see a fatal flaw. Separate numbers would be abused. Certifications are expensive and mean nothing. And so on. There HAS to be a solution, we just haven't thought of it yet.
I used to work for a company which had (for historical reasons) both dialup and dedicated (leased line) customers. The dialup customers would call dialup support; the dedicated customers and our peers were supposed to call the NOC. These days, many companies make it very hard to find their NOC number -- probably for fear of irate dialup users tying up the phone lines. This also makes it difficult for peers to find somebody smart enough to understand the phrase "I'm not a customer, we peer with you" -- or, often more urgent, "I'm not a customer, but one of your customers is attacking one of my customers." ---------========== J.D. Falk <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> =========--------- | "That article and its poster have been canceled." | | -David B. O'Donnell, Sysadmin, America OnLine | ----========== http://www.cybernothing.org/jdfalk/home.html ==========----