On May 31, 2016, at 12:05 , Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
On 5/31/16 2:53 PM, Dennis Burgess wrote:
I would suggest getting a new consultant .. :)
What Dennis said.
Lol got me! There is nothing that I know of that you have to "license" to become a ISP in the US of A. . You do have to fill out Form 477 twice a year. :)
But only if you provide: - facilities-based broadband services, and/or, - provide wired or fixed wireless local exchange telephone service - provide interconnected VoIP service - provide facilities based wireless telephony (see https://transition.fcc.gov/form477/WhoMustFileForm477.pdf)
If you provide basic dial-up services, or wireless Internet over unlicensed channels - there's no licensing requirement whatever.
This also applies if you are applying over unbundled elements or other leased facilities AIUI. Owen