From: Matthew Black Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 9:41 AM
I'm a Frontier FiOS customer in SoCal and have had trouble loading the Google home page for weeks. Had trouble loading Gmail last night.
When it's up, I rarely have connectivity issues. Of course, I have business class fios and only use their pipe; I run my own DNS and other services, I don't know specifically what is causing your issue.. In the eight months since the cutover, I had some intermittent connectivity issues during the week of the cutover itself, one three-day complete outage pretty much identical to this 18 hour outage, and maybe two or three times I can recall having issues getting to some piece of the Internet which may or may not have been a Frontier problem. I'd say overall I'm pretty happy with it when it's working. My main complaint is that when it stops working I drop into a complete vacuum of helplessness where I am unable to speak to anybody who can actually diagnose and rectify whatever the underlying failure is which is preventing it from working. That and it's ridiculous not to have native IPv6 for business class Internet at this point.