On Wed, 14 May 1997, Dorn Hetzel wrote:
Whoever will listen to you and has the authority to look into it :) That's going to vary depending on where you are and who you know. For ourselves, we stay on friendly terms with the local Secret Service folks... Geoff White writes:
On Wed, 14 May 1997, Dorn Hetzel wrote:
Were I you, I would forward such a threat to some appropriate authorities. And who might that be :}
Consider talking to their upstream providers. It can quickly draw their focused attention. Singapore Press Holdings (POST7-DOM) Netblock ocntrolled by: Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC2) Tokyo Central Post Office Box 351 Tokyo 100-91 JAPAN Netname: APNIC-CIDR-BLK Netblock: - Maintainer: AP Coordinator: Conrad, David Randolph (DC396) davidc@APNIC.NET +81-3-5500-0480 (FAX) +81-3-5500-0481 Or place a _concerned_ call to the FBI. Black helicopters aren't so bad when they fly on your behalf. --- Jesse