On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 19:09:23 -0500 Jim Popovitch <jimpop@yahoo.com> wrote:
Joseph S D Yao wrote:
Why would anyone not trolling for viruses use MS mail products, Chris?
Because they are "forced" or "told" to by their MIS department? Sometimes the blind do lead the blind...and the blind follow (who's leading?) :-)
It's also worth pointing out that MS mail products generally include a lot more functionality than just email. Calendaring and workflow are in high demands. Give MIS departments a better product and they will use it.
-Jim P.
What makes MS products so wonderful is they include much more functionality than many other products. What makes MS products so horrible is that the add functionality by making users' systems vulnerable to security threats under the guise of helpfulness (e.g., VB scripting, auto preview in Outlook). We too saw a large surge in e-mail bounces hitting our site. Our IronPort e-mail gateways are configured to drop viruses laden and undeliverable messages rather than bounce them to the victimized "from" sender. Why Fortune-500 e-mail administrators cannot figure out this one is confounding. How about a nice article in WSJ, Fortune, or Forbes which lists the companies with misconfigured systems so investors are informed as to the IT infrastructure of their investments? "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." matthew black california state university, long beach