On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Randy Bush wrote:
so where is the authoritative web site
to which we can point all our friends (and use to lock down our kids' machines/sites)?
How could you have missed Dewie the Internet Security Turtle? http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/infosecurity/index.html Microsoft has a consumer oriented page with some operating specific items (although open file shares isn't give as much attention as I would) http://www.microsoft.com/security/articles/steps_default.asp Most major ISPs have an online security web site for their customers. There are lots of technical how-to's available with a Google search. However, in a country where VCR's still flash 12:00, users are not going to read the manual or a web site or anything else. Despite liking to pick on Microsoft, as soon as you get the operating system secure, users load all sorts of other applications. And don't forget other things connected to your home network, such using good passwords on your router/firewall, networked home entertainment centor or snmp-enabled refrigerator.