I'm looking for a clueful person either inside of AOL's NetOps or someone else that can help us. Problem; Using AOL Dial-Up, through AOL Browser or MSIE users can connect to our web servers and our clients web servers via normal http with no problem. If they connect to a secure site (https://) they get 'page can not be displayed' and other errors. We have this issue with Linux/Apache as well as MSIE servers. Sniffing such connections, we get one of two scenerios: 1. A connection is opened from an AOL proxy server ( for example) yet no data is transmitted. 2. A connection is opened from an AOL proxy server. what looks like a request is sent (580 bytes) and some response is sent back (5k bytes) Yet the clients browser never gets a website.. The webserver logs an 'error 408' from the request, Which is a request timeout. 2 test websites to try from AOL: https://www.krystal.net MS https://www.onrope1.com Linux/Apache Clue Bat's welcome. Thank You --Mike--