I honestly don't think there's much you can do regarding someone else pointing an A record at one of your machines if you don't run DNS for the domain that the A record is coming from. Now, you could just make it part of your acceptable use policy or student handbook that it's not acceptable to be doing things like that with possible penalities (expulsion, things like that). But really, is the offense such that it warrants drastic action? -- Joseph W. Shaw - jshaw@insync.net Freelance Computer Security Consultant and Perl Programmer Free UNIX advocate - "I hack, therefore I am." On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Peter Day wrote:
We recently discovered that bee.net DNS is pointing the name molvis.org at our main web server, www.emory.edu, without our permission. The billing contact for molvis.org is a student at Emory.
Although we can contact bee.net and the student to address this violation of our policy, my question is whether there is anything we can do in general to prevent people from pointing DNS names at computers at Emory without our permission. Presumably there is great opportunity for mischief here, in that someone could register a domain name such as emorysucks.org and point it at our web site.
If this is the wrong place to ask this question, please accept my apology and suggest an alternate place.
Thanks for any advice you can give.
Peter Day Emory.edu administrative contact Information Technology Division N. Decatur Bldg Suite 300 | E-mail: ospwd@emory.edu Emory University | PHONE: +1 404 727-7678 Atlanta, GA 30322 | FAX: +1 404 727-0817