Krichbaum, Eric <Eric.Krichbaum@admin.citynet.net> wrote:
I saw this question a while ago but no (maybe one) answers. Who does have IPv6 in production today. Of the fixedorbit.com top ten for example?
701 (MCI) - ?
Yes, although I don't know whether tunneled or not. I see 16 prefixes through 701. 12702 (the IPv6 network of 702 - MCI Europe) is active as well with native links on a few Exchange Points and tunneled inside.
7018 (AT&T) - ?
Visible. Has 2001:503:A83E::/48 (a.gtld-servers.net) connected for example. Only visible through OCCAID though and as far as I've heard, no current plans to peer up with other commercial players because migration is still ongoing. Sad story ...
1239 (Sprint) - ?
Doing "experimental" IPv6 with AS6175 with a few tunnel boxes in US and Europe. Not really a decent IPv6 routing policy though, they seem to be giving out all prefixes they have on all sessions (fulltable swapper) and are depreffed by a number of people due to that. Besides the performance is not really too great, traffic tends to go detours especially when you enter their network in Europe.
174 (Cogent) - No.
3356 (Level3) - ?
IIRC two tunnel boxes in Europe (Amsterdam and London) and quite some customers there, for example GEANT2 and thus about all european NRENs. As far as I heard they have started native IPv6 deployment in US using 6PE now, no idea about availability.
209 (Qwest) - No.
At least one customer (AS11588 aka Highwinds Network Group, Inc.), but not visible very well. From my location they are visible through Abilene. Hm, why is a commercial player a downstream of Abilene again?
3549 (Global Crossing) - ?
Yes, very good network, native availability almost everywhere. Aside from rare occasions where a MPLS tunnel to an old router is broken (which usually gets fixed within a few hours) no issues at all, good performance, decent routing. Would be my choice from your list.
4323 (Time Warner Telecom) - ?
6461 (Abovenet) - ?
7132 (SBC) - ?
nothing. Other very good IPv6 networks with at least partial US coverage are NTT (AS2914), C&W (AS1273) and Tiscali (AS3257).
Is there anyone out that would supply an ISP with a tunnel to v6 routes?
Kick you upstreams and give them incentive to deploy IPv6. Regards, Bernhard