On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Edward B. DREGER wrote:
Stop. Examine. Think. Then respond.
Coop ASNs/IP save ASNs and aggregate routes. Full stop.
Maybe I missed it, but is there something in your solution that keeps dual-homed leaves from having to renumber when changing ISPs? In your concept, is there some "ownership" of the address space on the part of the customer? I know that being able to swing to a new provider (due one of a hundred reasons, including Layer 8 manangement decisions) without having to renumber or suffer significant downtime is one of the things that makes dual-homing appealing. -- John A. Kilpatrick john@hypergeek.net Email| http://www.hypergeek.net/ john-page@hypergeek.net Text pages| ICQ: 19147504 remember: no obstacles/only challenges