Yes, I saw... I just contact our local NIC security guys and they told me that there are two new worms. One is exploiting the backdoors left by codered 2, and another worm is (possible) a "codered 3", which is defacing the web pages with anti-chinese and anti-poisonbox messages... Today is the day... :-(((( On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 sigma@pair.com wrote:
Has anyone else been seeing a dramatic increase in /scripts/.. NT worm probes this morning? We're seeing about 8000/second, starting around 9:15 Eastern time, to and from a wide variety of addresses.
Is CodeRed or one of its relatives scheduled to start sweeping again today? We've never seen this level of traffic related to the NT worms. Even though we don't run any NT at all, we still have to suffer :(