Looks like MCI<->BBNPlanet have some routing issues to work out! :) Appended below are two just-posted BBNPlanet trouble-tickets regarding the "leakage of more-specific routes" between BBN and MCI. -- John-David Childs www.marsweb.com/www.ism.net System Administrator Internet Services Montana (406)721-6277 & Network Engineer M@RSWeb - Montana's PREMIER Web Site "I used up all my sick days...so I'm calling in dead" ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 02:38:21 GMT From: Internet Operations Center <ops@bbnplanet.com> To: att-tech-customer-contacts@bbnplanet.com Subject: #69035/5 (planet)mci peering:On Sunday, 12/28/96 during the... Ticket Number: 69035 Ticket Opened: 11/26/96 16:21 GMT Ticket Type: planned/network Ticket Source: noc Ticket Scope: planet What: mci peering Ticket Owner: neteng/liam Report Time: 12/31/96 02:15 GMT Author: kjc Problem Started: 12/28/96 08:00 GMT Original Problem Description: On Sunday, 12/28/96 during the 03:00 (EST) to 07:00 (EST) maintenance window, BBN Network Engineers will transition BBN Planet/MCI peering from regional AS's (AS200,AS86,AS279, AS560) to Planet's backbone AS (AS1). *** Note #5 As fall-out from this work, BBN was leaking more specific routes to MCI, primarily in the eastern region but certainly with issues at all four peering points. This was cleared this evening and the issue has been corrected as of 00:45 GMT. Network Engineering is continuing to deal with further fall-out from an issue with MCI - they are having access-list issues due to their configuration generator being broken. This is causing them to refuse to accept certain aggregate routes. Tracking this in tkt#74338. For a complete history of this ticket, do "finger ticket-69035@tickets.bbnplanet.com". ================================================================= Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 02:44:44 GMT From: Internet Operations Center <ops@bbnplanet.com> To: att-tech-customer-contacts@bbnplanet.com Subject: #74338/1 (planet)mci peering:After correcting routing leaka... Ticket Number: 74338 Ticket Opened: 12/31/96 02:32 GMT Ticket Type: unplanned/network Ticket Source: noc Ticket Scope: planet What: mci peering Ticket Owner: neteng Report Time: 12/31/96 02:39 GMT Author: kjc Problem Started: 12/31/96 00:45 GMT Original Problem Description: After correcting routing leakage between BBN Planet and our peering points with MCI, the fact that MCI is having issues refusing some of our aggregates became more of an immediate problem. MCI is currently working this issue - it is apparently fallout from a broken configuration generator. *** Note #1 BBN Planet Network Engineering is working closely with MCI to re-establish corrected routing. This is an issue with MCI's access-lists. For a complete history of this ticket, do "finger ticket-74338@tickets.bbnplanet.com". =================================================================