18 Sep
18 Sep
4:54 p.m.
At 12:22 PM 9/18/2001 -0400, Smith, Rick wrote:
Dsl.net was up all night, down again this morning.
Blah. Their idea of redundant links must have been 1 fiber into Tower 1 and another into Tower 2. They'll never BOTH go away, Right?
Not to say anything about Qwest, but honestly, I would have thought fiber into each tower *WAS* "redundant" (assuming separate fiber paths into each building so one backhoe cannot hit both). Until last week anyway..... This really is way outside most people's "disaster recovery" scenarios. I can see the thinking now: "If both WTC towers fall over, we have much bigger things to worry about than fiber cuts." And they were right. -- TTFN, patrick