Dimitri: I'm 100% behind your proposal. I also found Mr. Mercer's mention of my name with no better intention then to slander and libel it to be inappropriate - if not somewhat entertaining. So certainly a moderator would of spanked him for this inapropriate behaviour of slandering famous internet personalities. But let's not go overboard here. I have had a significant impact on Mr. Mercer's history and as such it's perfectly understandable that he would from time to time reference my name. So - I expect a moderator would temper the spanking with some tender understanding ;-) cheers Joe Baptista http://www.dot.god/ dot.GOD Hostmaster +1 (805) 753-8697 On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dmitri Krioukov wrote:
wouldn't it to be a right time to get list moderated?
thanks, -- dima.