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From: "Mark Tinka" <mark.tinka@seacom.mu> While that is true a lot of the time (especially for eyeball networks), it is less so now due to social media. Social media forces the use of symmetric bandwidth (like FTTH), putting even more demand on the network, Oh yes; clearly, Twitter will be the end of L3.
Could you expand a bit, Mark on "Social media forces the use of symmetric bandwidth"? Which social media platform is it that you think has a) symmetrical flows that b) are big enough to figure into transit symmetry?
Cheers, -- jra Applications like Skype and Facetime (especially conference calls) would be one example where an application benefits from symmetric (or asymmetric in favor of higher upload speed) connectivity. Cloud office applications like storage of documents, email, and IVR telephony also benefit from symmetrical connectivity. Off-site backup software is another great example. Most residential connections are ill suited for
Jay Ashworth wrote the following on 5/16/2014 10:35 AM: this. I believe these applications (and derivatives) would be more popular today if the connectivity was available. --Blake