Roland Perry wrote:
In article <578F3C8F6DD3D411850600508BF320CA03A60E64@aries-exch1.uk.eu.corp.vizzavi. net>, "Pendergrass, Greg" <Greg.Pendergrass@vodafone.com> writes
if you want to call an ambulance you DON'T use the internet
And you also need a way to persuade the Ambulance Service not to terminate their calls via VoIP, or send dispatch instructions via public-IP over GSM (or whatever) to their vehicles.
I think we will need also to make it illegal (to control the liability issues) to need emergency assistance in a place whose only link is via "public-IP". (I hear that there are places in Papua New Guinea that are being brought "on-line" where everything (EVERYthing) else is stone-age-standard.)
Or the IP bits need to be assured as "good enough" that it doesn't matter.
It's perhaps three years since I heard that there was real possibility of some of the above. That stable door may be more open than you think.