On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 09:26:10AM +0200, Thomas Habets wrote:
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
OpenBSD post-4.7 (current) is about to get a full BGP MPLS VPN implementation and has ldp working too. Yeah baby
I wouldn't run MPLS with OpenBSD in production quite yet though. Until I sent in a patch earlier this month it sent out implicit null (label 3) over the wire, for example.
Yes, there are still issues, any help sending in bug reports or diffs is welcome. The plan is to have a good MPLS stack in the next release. Still lot to do...
There are other bugs still there, but CVS doesn't exactly invite outside help. Hint hint, BSD folks.
Common, cvs checkout, modify file, test and when happy cvs diff | mail -s "mpls diff for this and that" tech@openbsd.org isn't too hard. There is a good reason we only have one tree instead of a jungle of unfinished and halfway done stuff. There is no need to figure out which branch or developer flavor you want to test today. Makes testing a hell of a lot simpler. -- :wq Claudio