So told by an aledged "manager", who said the next in the chain of command would be a VP, and Bobby-Ray was in a meeting and couldn't be disturbed.
At that point I'd just say "See you in small claims court." If they live anywhere outside the Washington DC area, it will cost NetSol a buttload of money to pack someone up and send them on a plane to court. It would cost much, MUCH less than that for the person to actually sue. Costs $30 in the city where I live and I get the money back if I win. If NetSol doesn't show up, bingo, you have a default judgement and can send the judgement to a collections agency. If that's what has to be done, that's what has to be done. It requires little investment on the part of the plaintiff in either time or money. -- Steve Sobol sjsobol@nacs.net (AKA support@nacs.net and abuse@nacs.net) "The world is headed for mutiny/When all we want is unity" --Creed, "One"