In article <199805291432.KAA29721@jekyll.piermont.com>, Perry E. Metzger <perry@piermont.com> wrote:
There is no good long term reason for metered internet usage at the end user level, and there is also considerable market pressure against it.
OK, NANOG means North American ... etc, but do you have _any_ idea what connectivity _to_ the US costs? "The" internet backbone has traditionally been the USA. So foreigners payed for a line to connect to the US and the US got connectivity to Europe, Japan etc basically for free. But that is changing. So for high speed access to destinations outside a country one would need to meter that. With 28k8 access, there's no real need, but once an end user gets the possibility to use his 2Mbit/sec ADSL line to download at full speed from, say, Europe, you're looking at a different picture. Mike. -- Miquel van Smoorenburg | Our vision is to speed up time, miquels@cistron.nl | eventually eliminating it.