Meeting: October 4th and 5th (Mon-Tue) in Ann Arbor. North Campus, Chrysler Center for Continuing Engineering Education, 2121 Bonisteel Boulevard. This is about 1-1/2 blocks from the three on-campus Merit office locations (NDSB, IST and the Comp Center). Maps will be available. RSVP: Please let us know if you are coming. A reply to this ____ message should go to nsf-seminar@merit.edu. Thanks. As always, feel free to suggest topics (and speakers) you'd like to hear. Volunteers welcome. Housing: Pam (Ciesla <pam@merit.edu>) has set up: ________ Closest to Merit & the meeting site: From: "Pam Ciesla" <pam@merit.edu> I have blocked 20 rooms at the Holiday Inn (Plymouth Rd & US 23), 3600 Plymouth Rd #(313)769-9800. When requesting rooms ask for Regional Techs Meeting. Room cost for Oct 2 is $75.00 per night and Oct 3 & 4 are $59.00 per night. The release date on the rooms is Sept. 17. Please advise that rooms be booked ASAP, Oct 2nd is a home football game. On Central Campus (for that "University feel"): The Campus Inn, East Huron and State Streets, 800-666-8693, 313-769-2200 I have blocked 10 rooms for Oct 4 & 5 at the rate of $78.00 single and $90.00 double. Oct 2nd is not available to block at this time, however there are rooms available at $95 (s) and $107 (d). After Labor Day we can block some rooms if they are available. So anyone wanting to stay at the Campus Inn on the 2nd should call NOW to make sure they can get a room. The Michigan League (not the Union), 911 North University, 313-764-0446 (front desk: 764-3177) There are NO rooms available for Oct 2. Oct 3 & 4 are available, cost is $68 + tax (s) and 78 + tax (d). I did not block any here. Ken Latta Merit Network, Inc. NSFNET Project: Internet Engineering Group klatta@merit.edu 313-926-2115 313-747-3745 fax