On 16/09/2014 16:26, Jay Ashworth wrote:
What kind of timeframe would a new ccTLD for a major country roll out on?
The main issue wouldn't be the timeframe for a rollout of a Scottish ccTLD but rather the disengagement from the .UK ccTLD. The legislative part will take time and there might also be an issue about the contract to operate the registry being put out to tender. It might definitely be a question of months and these things can drag on. In the event of a Yes vote in the independence referendum, most of Scotland's domain name footprint will still be .UK orientated. That would be very slow to change and the new ccTLD would begin to operate in parallel with that. That .SCOT gTLD could end up being very lucky as it might just fill a niche in a market where there is no serious competition from a local official ccTLD. Regards...jmcc -- ********************************************************** John McCormac * e-mail: jmcc@hosterstats.com MC2 * web: http://www.hosterstats.com/ 22 Viewmount * Domain Registrations Statistics Waterford * And Historical DNS Database. Ireland * Over 396 Million Domains Tracked. IE * web: http://newgtldnews.com **********************************************************