Le 08-07-28 à 18:27, Jon Lewis a écrit :
Bit bucket path.
As I said, this is surprising behaviour, but not simple de-peering. And I'm
Why is it surprising? Sounds more like a repeat performance to me.
Back when Level3 depeered Cogent, it was said that Cogent was already buying transit from Verio to reach at least some networks they weren't peering with. After the depeering, why didn't Cogent get to Level3 (and vice versa) via Verio?
Surprising because, Cogent (or Telia, but from what you say here, looks like Cogent), presumably put themselves in a breach of contract position with their (end-user or stub AS) customers who one would imagine have bought "Internet service" from them. Given that they have some reasonably big/important customers it is surprising that they would take that risk, and even more surprising that it didn't bite them too hard. By maybe I am just easily surprised.
Tier 1 has enough peering relationships with enough other Tier 1 networks that they can always buy temporary transit privileges over an existing link.
Tier 1 means you don't buy transit, no?
Maybe a slightly revised definition of Tier 1 is in order -- a provider that doesn't buy transit and doesn't sell to end-users or stub systems. Doing either of these things would degrade them in the nomenclature by 0.5. Doing both of these things makes a Tier 2 provider which had better have transit from more than one upstream. This way innocents don't suffer the collateral damage from games of chicken among the titans (unless they were silly enough to get their only Internet connection from a Tier 1.5 provider). Oh well. Cheers, -w