26 Feb
26 Feb
6:29 a.m.
At 07:12 2/24/99 -0800, Eric Germann wrote:
Dear NANOG readers, should I edit the archives and the search engine? Should I become an "offensive material editor" for any and all parties
Uh, no. They're full of male bovine fecal matter. IF they could convince some shyster to file a suit, it'd never make it...archivists are well-protected under US law. Ignore them. Nobody probably would have looked at the allegedly offensive page if they weren't making a production number of it. "Small minds can only contemplate small ideas".....Unknown Dean Robb Owner, PC-EASY (757) 495-EASY [3279] On-site computer repair, upgrades and consultations Read my game reviews/columns in SimOps on WWW.TheGamers.Net