nic# whois furrs.com Sorry, you shouldn't see this record. The InterNIC Registration Services database contains ONLY non-military and non-US Government Domains and contacts. Other associated whois servers: American Registry for Internet Numbers - whois.arin.net European IP Address Allocations - whois.ripe.net Asia Pacific IP Address Allocations - whois.apnic.net US Military - whois.nic.mil US Government - whois.nic.gov Michael Kindig V E R I O __________________________________________________ 8001 Irvine Center Dr 1200 __o URL: www.verio.net Irvine, CA 92618-2934 _ \<_ Phn: 888.306.4638 mkindig@verio.net (_)/(_) Fax: 949.450.8410 On Wed, 2 Sep 1998 max@inc.net wrote:
Has anyone else noticed a problem with whois? Seems like any domain I do a whois on returns 2 sets of records. 95% of the time it is the correct information for the domain the last 5% though seems to be a totaly unrelated record. Other than my domains here I have checked netscape.com, aol.com,internic.net among others and all seem to return bad info sporadicly. Here is an example of what I get 1 good record followed by a bad one.
[max@gecko ~]$ whois webteam.net [rs.internic.net]
Registrant: The Cvikota Company, Inc. (WEBTEAM8-DOM) 2031 S 32nd Street La Crosse, WI 54601
Domain Name: WEBTEAM.NET
Administrative Contact: Cvikota, Kris (KC4486) kris@WEBTEAM.NET 800 937 2845 (FAX) 608 788 6613 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Administrator, System (AS557-ORG) host@WEBTEAM.NET 715/830-7800 Fax- 715/830-7801 Billing Contact: Cvikota, Kris (KC4486) kris@WEBTEAM.NET 800 937 2845 (FAX) 608 788 6613
Record last updated on 24-Jul-98. Record created on 24-Jul-98. Database last updated on 2-Sep-98 04:42:00 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:
The InterNIC Registration Services database contains ONLY non-military and non-US Government Domains and contacts. Other associated whois servers: American Registry for Internet Numbers - whois.arin.net European IP Address Allocations - whois.ripe.net Asia Pacific IP Address Allocations - whois.apnic.net US Military - whois.nic.mil US Government - whois.nic.gov [max@gecko ~]$ whois webteam.net [rs.internic.net] [No name] (SPG8 ) HOLD-PAY P-U-S-S-Y-C-A-M.COM
The InterNIC Registration Services database contains ONLY non-military and non-US Government Domains and contacts. Other associated whois servers: American Registry for Internet Numbers - whois.arin.net European IP Address Allocations - whois.ripe.net Asia Pacific IP Address Allocations - whois.apnic.net US Military - whois.nic.mil US Government - whois.nic.gov [max@gecko ~]$
Max Spaulding Internet Connect, INC. max@inc.net